November 2021
New Resident Attraction, Development Opportunities for Rural America
For decades the migration pattern in America has been from rural to urban areas. Currently, there is a countertrend with some of America’s city residents moving to rural communities. New resident attraction is a development opportunity but also a necessity for many rural communities. Download our guide for strategies to capture these opportunities and listen to the accompanying podcast episode!
October 2021
Tourism-Led Development, Opportunities for Rural America
All rural communities have visitor attraction development potential. Many rural communities have destination tourism opportunities. Our newest paper and podcast episode explores entrepreneurial opportunities for visitor attraction and how rural communities can diversify their economies through tourism.
September 2021
Marginalized Rural Americans, Economic Development Implications
These days, America seems so divided and rural America is becoming increasingly marginalized. This paper explores the causes of this marginalization and its impact on economic development. We also highlight a big opportunity for communities willing to confront its issues around marginalization to improve prosperity for all. Accompanying this paper is a podcast episode on the topic. For even more info on this topic, check out this month's newsletter.
August 2021
Energizing Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Building in Keene, New Hampshire
How can an Entrepreneurial Development Organization move toward e-ecosystem building? Explore how The Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship is doing it in southwestern New Hampshire by downloading this case story and listening to this podcast episode with founder Mary Ann Kristiansen.
July 2021
We provide a deep dive into this under-recognized development opportunity for rural America. Be sure to listen to the accompanying podcast episode for additional input and advice on this topic!
June 2021
SourceLink - Infrastructure for Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Learn how to bring transparency and efficient access to your community's assets with SourceLink, an innovative platform for connecting community resources to its entrepreneurs. Check out our SourceLink podcast episode too!
May 2021
Community Capacity Building: Shaping the Future of Hometowns
What are the building blocks for community economic development success? In this paper we focus on community capacity building and why it is so important for successful economic development plans. We have a podcast episode on this topic too!
April 2021
What are the next best places to live in America? Find out how the current urban outmigration trend is creating opportunities for rural communities in our latest paper.
March 2021
e2's Leadership Resource Collection
Community leadership plays an integral part in rural community development success. Download our collection of leadership resources and listen to our podcast episode dedicated to this topic.
February 2021

Lessons from Central Appalachia: Entrepreneurial Community Development
How are rural communities in Central Appalachia working to realize the American dream of prosperity? Read how a multi-year effort to build entrepreneurial communities is making an impact. Check out our corresponding podcast episode that highlights inspiring stories of entrepreneurship from the initiative.
January 2021

Top 10 Mega Trends in 2021 Influencing the Future of Rural America
As 2021 launches with promising COVID-19 vaccinations, a recovering economy, and a new national government, we thought it timely to update our 2020 Mega Trends paper and re-release it.