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Custom Analytics

Customized Analytics

Custom Analytics

Field-tested. Effective. And given the stamp of approval from our partners. Following is a list of America's leading researchers we partner with to produce customized analytics that help your community understand its economy and entrepreneurial development opportunities.

Our Research Partners

Headwaters Economics. Based in Bozeman, Montana, Headwaters Economics provides a robust set of county-level profiles ranging from demographics to specialized economic sectors like tourism. Additionally, Headwaters produces high quality, independent research annually. Check out these interactive samples of county-level data:

YourEconomy, created by the Edward Lowe Foundation and now based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a leading business dynamics database. We partner with YourEconomy to provide both low cost and very in-depth business dynamics analysis.

Ben Winchester. Dr. Ben Winchester at the University of Minnesota is one of rural America’s leading researchers and demographers. We work with Ben with respect to key rural trends like resident cohort change foundational to rural community demographic health.

Economic Gardening. Founded by Chris Gibbons in Littleton, Colorado, Economic Gardening focuses on advanced market intelligence resource that can be employed by both entrepreneurs and communities to support venture development and particularly supporting Stage 2 Growth Entrepreneurial Ventures.

SourceLink. Founded by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation over 25 years ago, SourceLink provides advanced web-based entrepreneurial ecosystem infrastructure. SourceLink is proprietary but is capable of generating very customized analytics supporting of entrepreneurial resources, clients, and impact metrics.

Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. The Kauffman Foundation is a leader in entrepreneurship in both the U.S. and internationally. The Foundation’s Research Division produces high quality and customized research and analysis related to entrepreneurial development.