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How We Help

National e2 Practitioners Network

What We Do

National e2 Practitioners Network

The National e2 Practitioners Network is comprised of economic development practitioners and consultants working to grow entrepreneurial talent and build smart ecosystems to support entrepreneurship in North America. The Network is a no-cost way to access and employ the time-tested Energizing Entrepreneurs (e2) Development Framework and accompanying continually updated e2 University resources in exchange for allowing e2 to learn from your use of the materials so that we can continually improve the framework and resources for others.


More Benefits to Joining

Professional learning opportunities. As the e2 Practitioner Network grows, we will host opportunities for cross-learning by members and the ability for cooperating practitioners to network with each other to enhance skill development and continue the process of evolving the e2 Development Framework. Other learning opportunities may include:

  • Mentoring support
  • Peer learning events hosted by e2
  • Networking assistance among practitioners
  • Sharing of newly developed resources
  • Community of learning within the Network for idea generation and information gathering

e2 analytics at a discounted rate. We help communities and regions understand their entrepreneurial potential through research, resources, and downloadable tools.  

Access to entrepreneurial ecosystem consultants. If additional assistance is required, we can help you connect through the Network to advance your work.

Membership Requirements

To help you decide if membership is a fit for you and your organization, download our e2 University Introduction Guide, which outlines the framework and describes the materials you can access. To join, just complete a brief enrollment survey. Once accepted into the Network, we ask you to sign a one-page Memorandum of Understanding. Nothing legally-binding, just a good faith usage agreement of our framework and resources. That's it!